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This tournament wil be Maritime Chess Blitz Rated only. If you don't have a Maritime Chess Blitz Rating, you can sign up for the tournament by simply registering and paying the entry fee- there is no separate fee charged for attaining a Maritime Chess Blitz rating- it's free!

2024 Maritime Blitz Championship

Darrera actualització14.10.2024 03:35:07, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Rànquing inicial

1IMChiku-Ratte, Olivier KentaCAN2500Qc (Montreal)
2IMTalukdar, RohanCAN2400On (Windsor)
3FMDorrance, AdamCAN2386Ns (Cambridge)
4Martinovsky, IanCAN2273Nb (Fredericton)
5Kapra, JerjisCAN2185Ns (Halifax)
6Marchand, CalixCAN2184Ns (Halifax)
7Kalinin, DzmitryCAN2117Nb (Fredericton)
8Dec, PaulCAN2024Ns (Halifax)
9Heran-Boily, SamuelCAN2011Ns (Eastern Passage)
10Banks, AnthonyCAN1995Pe (Charlottetown)
11Macritchie, JoshCAN1824Ns (Truro)
12Mckim, FredCAN1757Pe (Charlottetown)
13Carson, CraigCAN1692Nb (Fredericton)
14Crowell, IainCAN1675Nb (Sackville)
15Zhang, HanCAN1604Nb (Quispamsis)
16Fillmore, LouisCAN1592Ns (Dartmouth)
17Bérubé, ClémentCAN1563Qc (Saint-Noel)
18Bérubé, LaurierCAN1410Qc (Saint-Noel)
19Belczewski, RonCAN1391Nb (Fredericksburg)
20Rokhvarger, DanielCAN1350On (Toronto)
21Petch, RemiCAN1185Ns (Halifax)
22An, IsuCAN1075Nb (Moncton)
23Belczewski, EdrickCAN1032Nb (Fredericksburg)
24Manuel, EmmanuelleCAN1000Nb (Miramichi)
25Kennedy, ColinCAN974Pe (Summerside)
26Manuel, NathanaelleCAN875Nb (Miramichi)
27Aubin, AxelCAN850Nb (Moncton)